The Ugly Truth About Superzoo Pet Trade show in Las Vegas 2023!

Trade shows like SuperZoo offers an incredible platform to showcase your brand and connect with potential customers. However, it is not easy to have a great show. People often complain about leads, traffic, location, results, etc. The ugly truth about all trade shows is… you are most likely doing it all wrong! Almost every tradeshow booth does these things below and then complains about the results. Be a Pet Pro Superstar this year and crush Superzoo!

Ditch the Team Congregation

Don't make the mistake of huddling with your teammates within the booth. While it might feel cozy, it can discourage potential customers from approaching. Spread out and engage with visitors individually, making them feel at ease and valued.

Create an Open Environment

Avoid tables, seats, and eating in the booth to foster a sense of approachability. These barriers can unwittingly separate your team from the visitors. Similarly, chewing gum or fiddling with phones can signal disinterest. Opt for a standing setup that encourages direct interactions.

Stay Present, No Breaks

Resist the temptation to slack off during lulls in foot traffic. Even during quieter times, stay engaged—chat with visitors, answer questions, or subtly work on tasks that keep you visible. It's all about showing dedication.

Craft a Sales Flow

SuperZoo demands a well-structured sales flow to lure visitors to your booth. Keep your message concise and clear, ensure your products are impeccably displayed and labeled, and cultivate a warm environment that entices visitors to explore your offerings.

Send the Right Representatives

Choose your booth staff wisely. Sales and marketing professionals who radiate positivity and can adeptly represent your brand are essential. A no-negativity rule can help maintain team morale and contribute to your success at the event.

Badge Awareness, with a Twist

Identifying buyers is crucial, but don't let badges be your sole focus. Many influential individuals might not carry the "buyer" label, yet they could revolutionize your business. Embrace every conversation and opportunity that comes your way.

Network Beyond the Show Floor

Some of the most fruitful connections I've forged sprang from casual chats over lunch or during shuttle rides. Don't limit yourself to the confines of the show floor; step out and introduce yourself to the world of possibilities beyond the booth.

In a nutshell, attending SuperZoo offers a golden chance to engage potential customers and thrust your brand into the limelight. By adhering to these golden rules, you can build an inviting booth that beckons visitors to discover your products and story. So, gear up, put on your most welcoming smile, and prepare to make waves at SuperZoo 2023! If you need help navigating the Pet Industry, developing or launching a product….. check out American Pet Works and how we help brands thrive.

Written By: Trevor Crotts

President at American Pet Works

When people ask me "What do you do?" I like to reply with "Whatever it takes". Whether it's developing new products, optimizing supply chains, or delivering innovative marketing campaigns, I am committed to doing whatever it takes to help my clients succeed.

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